Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Adventures and Tales of the "Good" Ole Irish Weather

It’s for sure that all the international contingents have endured a lot of rain while they were in Ireland. During our visit, we had to expect at least one rain shower every day. Before anyone arrived at camp, the weather was so horrible that they had to move the campsites around three times before they found decent ground. Our group ended up at camp a day early in the down pouring rain. Of course we had to put up our tent up in it. (That never fails) It took six Canadian Rangers and three Irish to put up our tent. I didn’t think it would be rocket science until I realized that the fly had to go first. Then, the pods where you sleep connect from the inside of the fly and then a tarp goes on the group so the floor wouldn’t get soaked. With only 2 hours of sleep on the plane we never thought to put the tarp and pods inside the fly. Therefore they had a good soak before we realized they were sitting in the rain.
Overcast over the lake Due the incorporate weather and the lack of room in our tent three of decided to create a mountain of luggage after we tripled checked again absolutely everything in our suitcase was in a plastic bag. It gave us extra room to get in and out of the tent and we were able to throw a huge tarp over our bags to make sure puddles didn’t form on the outside of the suitcases. However, every time someone needed to get into their suitcase things got really messy. The weather got better throughout the week. It still rained of, but we got so used to it, none of us realized it.
Never went every where without a rain jacket. This was visitors day. It started off nice, then rainy and then COLD! Ireland just doesn’t get rain showers! We experienced sun showers a few times too. The sun would be shining with a few clouds and then all of the sudden it would just pour rain. The last day of camp, a few of us ran out in it and played on the equipment. Our bums got wet from sitting on the equipment.
Our group woke up to sun and not a cloud in the sky one morning after camp. A leader woke us up yelling; “FIRE DRILL, FIRE DRILL” to get us out of bed and made sure we all saw the beautiful weather. Somebody didn’t want to get out of bed, so they dragged her outside in her sleeping bag. A leader took out her pad of paper and asked everybody to give her a penny and an estimate on what time it would rain. Guess what everybody? It rained!
double rainbow Despite the daily rain forecasts everyone was still very happy and continued with the program. I and sure of lots of others can now say we are pro campers in the rain

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