Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Lifetime Friendships Around the World

My neighbour and best friend got me involved me in Girl Guides.  I was shy and would not do anything without Ally that involved Guides. We advanced up to Pathfinders together then she decided that she did not want to continue anymore. I made the decision to stay in Pathfinders, which was the best thing for me.  It took me a little while to come around and warm up to the others. However, by the end of the year I branched out and began to make lots of new friends; some of them being friendships that I will have for a lifetime.

Last summer, a group of Pathfinders and Rangers traveled to Ireland to attend Camp 101. We created many new friendships and made so many new memories to keep until the next time we see each other.  Many of the Rangers, even had the chance to reunite with our Irish friend Niamh that attended GM 2010.  We had an awesome time catching up and made many new memories. 

On the last day of camp, we packed up our tent and were getting ready to leave camp for our tour of Ireland.  6 of us stood at the edge of the road with our suitcases waving goodbye to many cars pulling out of the park.  One van stopped and two girls came out to give their last goodbyes.  In my mind I knew that it wasn’t our final goodbye, we were going to see each other again.  Shortly after our trip, I found out my guess was right. There was a message from our friend Lucy, letting us know that she was coming to Canada in the summer. In March, it was for sure that we were going to be able to see her. We were so excited!

When the day finally came, my friend Cassie and I picked her up at the airport in Toronto. We headed to show her Niagara Falls and stayed overnight.  The next day, we headed back to Windsor/Essex to show her around.  We enjoyed working our way around the area with stops at Costco, the mall, the waterfront, and our Girl Guide Camp: Camp Bryerswood. Throughout the short time she was here, she was able to see all the Rangers that she met in Ireland. Each evening, we gathered for a campfire to catch up on stories, create memories and of course sing campfire songs while making delicious s’mores.

Even though Lucy was only here with us for 5 days, all 6 Rangers were able to see her and make new memories.  We had the time of our lives during her visit and cannot wait for the next one hopefully in 2016. Saying goodbye was tough at the airport, but I know I will see her again in the near future. 

Over the past 10 years, of making friends in Guiding, I have made friends from all over the world. I love keeping in touch with them whether it is through sending care packages in the mail to my friend Hanna in Winnipeg, or chatting on Facebook to friends from Guiding Mosaic and Camp 101.  While making these lifelong friendships, I have learned that distance is not what counts when you are friends with somebody. What counts is the memories that you make, and what you make of the time you have with the friends you meet until you reunite with them again